The 21st Triennale International Exhibition boasts a varied programming of 20 exhibitions spread over 12 locations all around the city both organised by the Scientific Committee and by museums and institutions.
Exhibitions organised by the Scientific Committee of the 21st Triennale
Location: Triennale Museum
– Neo Preistoria – 100 Verbi boasting an ideological itinerary connecting objects from the Stone Age to modern nanotechnologies. >> Read more – W – Women in Italian Design targeted at analysing the role of women in design and the changes in the perception of gender in art. The exhibition boasts 600 works by 350 women designers and is set at the Triennale di Milano. >> Read more
Other museums
– Architecture as Art at the Hangar Bicocca features works by 14 architects who aim to influence different fields such as public spaces, performing art, music, engineering and the environment. >> Read more – Sempering, set at the MUDEC features paper-foldings analysing the relationship between methods and shapes and the research of new materials. – New Craft at the Fabbrica del Vapore is focused on the new technologies allowing the creation of cars, bicycles, jewels, clothing and innovative materials. >> Read more – La Metropoli Multietnica is a photo exhibition based on the impact of globalisation on society and on the consequent loss of each culture’s identity. >> Read more – City after the City set in the Cardo of the Expo site boasts a ‘necklace’ of 7 exhibitions (Landscape Urbanism, Urban Orchard, Expanded Housing, People in Motion and Street Art) featuring an analysis of the changed role of the city and of the conventions associated to it. The exhibition spreads over two pavilions along the Cardo and includes a bothanical garden between the two exhibition sites.
Exhibitions organised in collaboration with the city’s museums and institutions:
Location: Triennale Museum
– La Logica dell’Approssimazione, stating the key role of approximation as conditio sine qua non to invent new design objects and artistic creations. >> Read more – at Triennale Expo Gate targeted at the introduction of new concepts of projects and design easy to use for all and based of the key idea of Design for All (DfA). The projects displayed are designed with the aim of creating buildings which can improve lifestyle and value the differences between the people living them. – Brilliant! I futuri del gioiello contemporaneo boasts a collection of 50 jewels  to state the importance of neckleces and jewelry as accessible embellishment to daily life. The exhibition features a display of new materials and production techniques. >> Read more – STANZE. Altre Filosofie dell’Abitare is an exhibition born from the collaboration with Milan’s I Saloni exhibition where 11 designers compare and contrast their works inspired by contemporary society. Among the works on exhibit and spread over 11 rooms, visitors can admire images, projects and scale models of some of the historic architectures of Italian history. >> Read more
Other museums
– Confluence is an exhibition set within the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology consisting in a series of 6 meetings on the theme of climate change and on its imoact on the cultural dimension. Installations from artists coming from different countries are on display at the newly opened Cavallerizze’s inner spaces. – Design behind Design at Milan’s Museo Diocesano boasts different areas with various allestments, among which architecture and manufacts by renowned designers highlighting the making of a design work after its project and sketch phase. – Road to R(e)volution . Prospettive di futuro. La poetica del domani fra car design e mobilità set at the Royal Villa of Monza and born from the collaboration with magazine Quattroruote features an ideal journey into the world of mobility. Images and videos analyse the swift from public transport to private means of transport such as cars. – Game/Video Art. A Survey held at IULM University boasts the largest selection of video-installations by international artists from 2007 to 2015. The exhibition examines some of the main aspects connected to the games dimension such as animation, mobbing and hacking. – Campus & Controcampus. Architetture per studiare e ricercare spread between two different branches of the Politecnico di Milano (Bovisa and Leonardo) features three exhibitions, conferences and seminars on Milanese university architectures. – Wayfarer’s Cot (La casetta del viandante, in Italian) curated by Marco Ferreri in collaboration with INTERNI – Daily Beauty. An Itinerary within the Permanent Collection on Italian Design (La bellezza quotidiana. Un percorso nella collezione permanente del design italiano, in Italian), curated by Silvana Annichiarico and set at the Triennale Design Museum. – Call over 35 feauturing the participation of single or groups of professional architects and designers over 35. – Architectures for Buisness: from the Bicocca project to Pirelli factory in Settimo Torinese hosted at Pirelli Headquarters highlighting the evolution of Pirelli throughout the century its impact on the fabric of the city. – The Age of the Skyscraper. The Pirelli Building Sixty Years after the First Stone Was Posed held at the Pirelli Skyscraper features a collection of oiginal pictures, memories and documents testifying the first sixty years of the building, including its accidents and striking historical happenings. – Patrick Tosani. The Shape of Things set at MuFoCo features a photo exhibition of the masterpieces by photographer Patrick Tosani explanatory of the new meanings of shapes, lights and daily objects found within his works.
>>Â Learn more about the installations of the 21st Triennale International Exhibition
[Photo credits: Marta Mailhac]
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