Besides hosting a large number of exhibitions spread over 19 locations among Museums and private institutions, the 21st Triennale International Exhibition boasts four installations recalling the core themes of the exhibition.
Learn about them here:
– Earth (Terra, in Italian), curated by Marco Ferreri featuring clay artifacts crafted with a 3D machinery. The impressive machinery built by Wasp creates objects, large-size artifacts, furniture, as well as busts of the architects who have worked at Triennale Museum throughout the years in the aim of recalling the busts of Garibaldi’s soldiers set alongside the boulevards of the Gianicolo in Rome.
– Arch and Art, a project powered by Assolombarda-Confindustria Milano Monza Brianza and curated by Domus featuring five architects and five artists projecting architectural pavilions by working in couples. Arch and Art retraces and highlights the deep connection between Architecture and Art, two dimensions often split from each other though easy to intertwine to create new design solutions.
– Ubracula Pavilion “After”, born from a project by Attilio Stocchi. The exhibition “After” curated by Antonella Ranaldi (Superintendent for Fine Arts and Environment) and Fulvio Irace (from Milan’s Politecnico) is set within a pavilion inspired by nature.
– Vermigila Installation, projected by Attilio Stocchi and born in collaboration with design renowned brand Kartell, features a cloud-shaped pavilion set within Palazzo Reale, where the exhibition ‘Labor’ is located. The installation features four monitors screening scenes on Milan people’s industriousness and is surrounded by the sounds of work with the aim of evoking Umberto Boccioni’s interpretation of work as a Vermilion Horse.
>> Learn more about the exhibitions of the 21st Triennale International Exhibition
[Photo Credits: Nardi – Martiradonna]
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