In occasion of the 2015-2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (from 8 December 2015 until 20 November 2016) these Catholic churches will guarantee an improved service for the sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation (Confession, Reconciliation or Penance).
Their official websites are in Italian language, we therefore suggest our readers to make a phone call, better if helped by a hotel concierge or an Italian speaking person.

Official list of churches, provided by the local archbishop:

Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie al Naviglio (Ambrosian church)

Church Naviglio
[See also the main photo]
Alzaia Naviglio Grande, 34
M2 (green line) Porta Genova
T: +39 02  8372887

Church of Sant’Agostino (Salesian church)

Church of Sant'Agostino
Via Melchiorre Gioia, 50
T: +39 02 67072135 or +39 02 67627610 Mon-Fri from 9am-midday and 3-6pm

Church of Sant’Alessandro in Zebedia (Bernardian church)

Piazza Missori, 4
T: +39 02 722171

Church of Beata Vergine Immacolata e S. Antonio (Conventual church)

Chiesa BV e Sant Antonio Milano
Viale Corsica, 68
T: +39 02 70123010

Church of Corpus Domini (Carmelitan church)

Via Antonio Canova, 4
T: +39 02 341419

Church of San Carlo al Corso (Servite church)

Church San Carlo Corso
Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 14
M1 (red line) San Babila or bus 54, 61, 73, 94
T: +39 02 7733021
[Photo by Friedrichstrasse license: CC 3.0]

Church of Santa Maria della Scala in San Fedele (Jesuit church)

Church of San Fedele Milan
Piazza S. Fedele, 4
M1-M3 (red and yellow lines) Duomo
T: +39 02 86352215

Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Capuchin church)

Via della Moscova, 9
M2 (green line) Moscova
T: +39 02 632481