With the history of Milanese Martinitt (boy orphans) and Milanese Stelline (girl orphans) centered around the oratory of San Martino, we now turn our focus to a museum dedicated in their honor. The Martinitt and Stelline Museum contributes to the safeguarding and circulation of the historical memory of these two important orphanages. With historical archives dating from 1800 to 1960, the institute’s library contains more than twenty thousand books. The Martinitt and Stelline Museum is Milan’s first interactive and multimedia museum. Thanks to state-of-the art touch screens, visitors can “turn the pages” of digital document records that accompanied the lives of the orphans. Museum visitors aslo get the chance to participate in a orphanage lesson simulation reconstructed by historians and screenwriters that examines the leisure-time readings of the period.

If you speak Italian, you will enjoy this attraction at its best.

Address: Corso Magenta, 57
Transport: M1M2 (red and green line) Cadorna FN
GPS: 45.4655166,9.172544000000016
T: +39 02 43006522

Tickets: free admission.
Opening Hours: Tues-Sat 10.30am-6.30pm.
If you are planning to visit this location on one of the following dates, we recommend you to check the availability: 1, 6 January, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June, 15 August, 1 November, 8, 25, 26 and 31 December.