The first Museum of Augmented Urban Art has arrived in Milan. Located outside the city, this open-air, city-wide museum uses an app to transform works of street art into digital art which can be viewed on a smartphone thanks to augmented reality technology. Users can create a customized tour that traverses five of the city’s outlying areas where the fifty murals are located. Neighbourhoods featured include Giambellino-Lorenteggio, Adriano-Padova-Rizzoli, Corvetto-Chiaravalle-Porto di Mare, Niguarda-Bovisa and QT8-Gallaratese. On reaching their destination of choice, the experience continues in digital format. Each work, framed with a smartphone camera, generates a new image, transforming the original one into a new creation of digital art.
Different locations: Giambellino-Lorenteggio, Adriano-Padova-Rizzoli, Corvetto-Chiaravalle-Porto di Mare, Niguarda-Bovisa and QT8-Gallaratese.
Official website:
Milan's Museum of Augmented Urban Art
MAUA Museum