Fashion will never cease to be part of movies.
During Milan’s Women Fashion Week, from 19 to 24 September 2013, Cinema à porter introduces a special themed film viewing in the Cinematographic Room of the Biblioteca della Moda.
The viewing -free entrance with advance reservations- will be made up of seven movies, dedicated to the most amazing icons of international style (such as Valentino and Anna Wintour) and to great comedic moments in fashion history. Among these gems, there will be Vogues of 1938, the story of an owner of a fashion house, spiced up by wonderful clothes worn by famous 1930’s models..
The perfect union between fashion and cinema is Cinema à porter, a project by MIC – Museo Interattivo del Cinema e Biblioteca della Moda, the most important publishing fashion archive in Europe – in collaboration with Milano Fashion City, a project of Milano’s Chamber of Commerce and Promos, which will be present in September with an Info Point inside the Biblioteca della Moda.

Free admission (30 seats). Reservations are required, by calling +39 0283311211/200 or emailing / /

Alessia Genovese