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Via Borgonuovo, 23

The Museo del Risorgimento (Museum of the Risorgimento) is located in the 18th-century Milanese Palazzo Moriggia (designed by Giuseppe Piermarini) within the pictoresque Brera district of Milan.
Its rooms house a permanent exhibition of objects and artworks which illustrate the history of Italian unification from Napoleon’s first Italian campaign of 1796 to the annexation of Rome in 1870, featuring Baldassare Verazzi’s Episode from the Five Days and Francesco Hayez’s 1840 Portrait of Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria.

In addition to the permanent collection, the museum staff organize temporary exhibitions and other events related to Italian history in different centuries and mainly addressed to an Italian public. For instance, special events are organized in occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and other Italian remembrance days.

NOTE: This museum is in the Milan Tourist MuseumCard circuit

Via Borgonuovo, 23
T: +39.02.88464177
www.museodelrisorgimento.mi.it (only Italian language)
M2 (green line) Lanza, M3 (yellow line) Montenapoleone
Open Tue-Sun 9am-1pm and 2-5.30pm
Full admission price is € 5, free admission for children under 18, free on Wednesdays from 2pm and every day for all visitors from 4.30pm

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