[alert_box style=”white” title=”Contents”][list style=”square”][list_item]About the University[/list_item][list_item]About Courses
Courses in Intercultural Relations, International Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising
Courses in Interpreting, Translation, Linguistic and Cultural Studies
Courses for the promotion and enhancement of the Cultural Heritage in Tourism Projects[/list_item][list_item]Contacts[/list_item][/list][/alert_box]


Name: International University of Languages and Media (IULM)
Type: Italian private University, not affiliated to any specific religion
Description: The courses offered by IULM change frequently on account of the fact that the University has always been, and continues to be, imaginative in recognizing new needs and developing appropriate offerings and skills for the Italian and global market.
British novelist, translator and author Tim Parks, Italian journalist Francesco Alberoni (Rector from 1997-2001) and Giovanni Puglisi, who is serving as its Rector since 2001.
Every year, IULM offers innovative courses in collaboration with important partners, including, for example, its training course on Public Relations, instituted as early as the ‘80’s, and a Master’s in Food-Design, launched in 2014 in collaboration with the Scuola Politecnica di Design and Pepsi Italia and for which the Pepsi Group co-finances scholarships with either partial or total coverage. In 2004, in partnership with the Mediaset Group, a leader in Italy in communications, IULM founded the Consorzio Campus Multimedia In-Formazione, which resulted in the institution of the IULM-Mediaset Master’s in Journalism as well as several professional refresher courses for Journalists and Business Communicators.
In 2007, in collaboration with UNESCO, IULM inaugurated the Chair in ‘Cultural and Comparative Studies on Imaginary’ targeted at developing knowledge and increasing the awareness of studies on the imaginary in a bid to promote inter-cultural dialogue.
IULM is also partner of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) for the Master degree program (taught in English and Italian) in Communication for International Relations (MICRI).
Since 2010s, the offer of IULM courses taught solely in English has increased significantly, especially as regards its Master’s in fields related to Communications and Tourism (graduate programs in Communication for International Relations, International Communication, Mass Communication and Global Media, Sustainable Urban Management and Tourism Management and the aforementioned master’s in Food Design).
Open since: 1968
Founder(s)/Mission: linguistics scholars Carlo Bo e Silvio Baridon. When first established, it primarily offered language-based programs, later branching out to embrace courses on communications – which soon became one of its major strengths – as well as programs devoted to the promotion of tourism and cultural assets.
Partnerships: among others, interesting partnerships with UNESCO, the Italian mass-media company Mediaset and the Triennale di Milano. Partnerships with the Leeds Metropolitan University (UK), the Universitas Vilnensis (Vilnius, Lithuania), the Hanze University (Groningen, Netherlands) for the Master’s degree in International Communication (MIC).
European University Association (EUA)
International Association of Universities (IAU)
European Association for International Education (EAIE)
European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
Centro Universitario Sportivo Milano (CUS), sporting organization for university students
Ranking/Awards: a survey conducted by Italian periodical Il Sole 24 Ore revealed both the high percentage of students who have shown their affiliation to the University by re-registering for second-year courses as well as its positive position in the ranking of graduates who have found employment. Data regarding employment were also confirmed by AlmaLaurea (an independent organization originally established as part of the University of Bologna) which interviews 80% of graduates in Italy on a yearly basis. In 2014, the organization published statistics showing that 85% of IULM graduates had found employment within 3 years.
Students’ Nationalities: IULM is constantly widening the offer of courses destined to English speaking students.
Accommodation Service: Yes. IULM offers its students a residence featuring 76 double rooms equipped with Wi-Fi access and SAT TV. The residence also offers study spaces, a computer room and a screening room designed to accommodate up to 90 viewers. The assignment of beds is based on criteria of means-testing and merit, thanks, above all, to funding granted by the Regione Lombardia. Students who fail to gain placement at the residence are offered alternative lodging suggestions at convenient, well-situated locations. Furthermore, the university has an in-house notice board where people can post advertisements or search for available accommodation.
Fees and Scholarships: fees are means-tested and divided into brackets. The ‘zero bracket’ is dedicated to low-income students but also to meritorious students, starting from their first year of enrollment – in this case, the ranking is based on grades obtained during their final year of high school.
The amount is divided into three installments. The first is paid at the time of enrollment, the second at the end of the solar year and the third by spring of the following year. Owing to the fact that IULM is MIUR accredited, students can apply for full scholarship tuition provided by the Regione Lombardia.
Furthermore, IULM offers incentives for internships and research dissertations abroad, contributions to students chosen to collaborate in the provision of university services (e.g. students working part-time in the library) as well as reductions for the simultaneous enrollment in courses by more than one member of the same family.


IULM offers a vast range of courses and its organizational policy is common to all courses in regards to:
Attendance: depending on the course, it is not always mandatory.
Class Size: it depends on the course. There are small-sized classes (20 students) and big-sized classes (50+). Class-sizes are usually bigger when attendance is not mandatory. The course with the biggest number of students is the undergraduate program in Communication.

Internship Programs and Placement Service: in some programs participation to at least one internship experience is mandatory. However, it is always strongly recommended. The IULM Placement Office is at disposal of all students and of all alumni during their first year after graduation. In particular, the office is in contact with companies and students/alumni who are seeking internship/job via the “IULM Virtual Campus”, the web-based platform featuring job offers strictly reserved to IULM students and alumni.
At times companies contact the Placement Office, asking them to make a first selection among candidates who have applied for a job position through their platform.

Final Degree: on successful completion of any of the IULM first or second cycle courses (see the following section “Course List”) students will get a university degree recognized in Italy, and they will be awarded both with the Italian CFU credits and European ECTS credits.
On successful completion of other graduate programs, the type of final degree and the related CFU and ECTS credits will depend on the specific course.
On successful completion of undergraduate or graduate programs organized in partnership with universities of other countries students will also get a university degree issued by the partner universities.

Starting Dates: the main in-take in IULM starts from April, but it depends on the course. Admission tests to graduate programs are usually more than once a year. Readers should get in contact with the University for more information.

Course (types and duration):
Undergraduate programs of 3 years (traditionally called “Laurea Triennale”. It is the Italian Bachelor Degree, also known as “first cycle degree”).
Graduate programs of 2 years (traditionally called “Laurea Specialistica” or “Laurea Magistrale”. It is the Italian Master Degree, also known as “second cycle degree”).
Other options available to graduates. Courses lasting from a few months to more than one year, available to students holding a Laurea Triennale and/or a Laurea Specialistica.
Readers should check with IULM for the availability of short courses, summer courses and part-time courses destined to international students. Contact the University.
Study Abroad Programs: yes. Students enrolled in the IULM university programs can apply for all the scholarships or study abroad programs available to European university students (Eg. Erasmus Program).
Exchange programs with IULM’s partner universities in Australia, Latin America, USA, Canada and Europe.
The Study Abroad Program is for the promotion of temporary exchange agreements with non-partner universities, on any IULM student’s initiative.
The Summer Session Program is for summer courses in international universities. Students who participate in the program are awarded with CFU credits.
Entrance Requirements: students whose first language is not Italian should pass a language test in order to attend university courses in Italian language. Readers should check with the University for advice on dispensations.

Courses in Intercultural Relations, International Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising

To become: international expert in communications and advertising for the traditional media (cinema, theatre, television, journalism) or the new media (Internet, web, social networks, blogs, smart-phones etc.), capable of operating in Italy or in widely differing cultural contexts.
Italian journalist, public relations expert, (digital) marketing manager, brand and product manager, communications managers, (digital) communication strategist, media planner, expert in corporate communication, marketing and consumer psychology.
Language of Instruction: English or English and Italian.

Italian mass-media company Mediaset.
IULM is partner of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) for the Master degree program in Communication for International Relations (MICRI), which is taught in English and Italian. Students enrolled in the course will have to choose 4 laboratories from the ISPI Winter School (Project Cycle Management, Humanitarian Emergencies, Disaster Risk Reduction, Migrations and Development, Africa: new markets, resources and conflicts, Fundraising and Cooperation, Sustainable Tourism, Migration and Humanitarian Assistance, Logistic in Humanitarian Emergencies).
Another interesting partnership is the one with MIND ROOM Srl, resulting in the creation of the high tech Behavior & Brain laboratory. This is designed for IULM students/researchers engaged in the study of communications, market research and consumption, research on stress management and the improvement of professional/study performance.
Thanks to the use of technological tools it is possible to monitor the cerebral bases of human mental functions, emotions and behaviour including how a subject’s brain reacts while viewing an artwork, deciding whether to make a purchase, watching a commercial or something more complex related to the sphere of television cinema and multimedia.
Mode and Assessment: classes of theory, individual study sessions and laboratory works (Eg. direction, video making, photography (Eg. laboratory for the making of: short movies, TV adverts, pilots of TV series, new TV formats, videogames, cartoons).
Study Abroad Programs: yes. Eg. the Master degree program in communication for international relations (MICRI), taught in English and Italian) includes a Study Tour to Washington DC and New York.
For courses organized in partnership with other international universities students have the opportunity to study in the partner university (Eg. MIC, Master’s in International Communication, which is entirely taught in English).
Places: limited.

Courses in Interpreting, Translation, Linguistic and Cultural Studies

To become: interpreter, translator, intercultural mediator and cooperator.
Language of Instruction: Italian and another language of choice.
Partnerships: partner of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) for the course of Laurea Magistrale in Cultural Studies and International Relations. Students enrolled in the course will have to choose 4 laboratories from the ISPI Winter School (Project Cycle Management, Humanitarian Emergencies, Disaster Risk Reduction, Migrations and Development, Africa: new markets, resources and conflicts, Fundraising and Cooperation, Sustainable Tourism, Migration and Humanitarian Assistance, Logistic in Humanitarian Emergencies).
Mode and Assessment: classes of theory and laboratory works.
Study Abroad Programs: yes.
Places: limited.

Courses for the promotion and enhancement of the Cultural Heritage in Tourism Projects.

Including, for instance, the promotion of (Applied and Performing) Arts, Nature, Museums, Historic Heritage, Food and Wine.
To become: cultural congress and event manager, international expert and consultant for the promotion and development of local tourist products, expert in destination marketing, tourism manager and more.
Language of Instruction: English or English and Italian.
Gambero Rosso for the course in Food & Wine Communication (in English).
SPD for the course in Food Design (In English).
La Triennale di Milano for the Laurea Magistrale in Arts, Markets and Cultural Heritage. La Triennale is a museum and event venue hosting exhibitions, meetings and festivals related to contemporary Italian design, architecture, music and arts. Its aim is to connect arts and industry.In particular, students enrolled in the Laurea Magistrale will spend their second year learning at La Triennale, in the class-laboratory created within the library of the museum.
Mode and Assessment: classes of theory and laboratory works..
Study Abroad Programs: yes.
Places: limited.


Via Carlo Bo, 1
M2 Romolo
T: +39 02 891412386
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